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PURE Allergy-Friendly Hotel Rooms

Team SunButter

Make Travel Easier with PURE Allergy-Friendly Hotel Rooms

Living with food allergies can be tricky, especially when you’re in an unfamiliar environment. A new restaurant, for example. The same is true for people with environmental allergies to things like pollen, mold and animal dander. Every new situation presents the possibility of unanticipated exposure to your allergy triggers.

People with allergies understand how important it is to have control over their surroundings and the power to manage their own health and wellbeing.

That’s what PURE allergy-friendly hotel rooms are all about. We provide allergy-sufferers with a consistent hypoallergenic environment wherever they travel and whenever they are away from home.

PURE hotel rooms are treated according to a scientific 7-step process that virtually eliminates viruses, bacteria and other harmful irritants. The process starts with a deep cleaning of the room’s air-handling unit as well as all carpets, upholstery and other soft surfaces. PURE technicians then apply a one-time shock treatment that eradicates microorganisms on all surfaces and in the air.

Each PURE Room also comes equipped with a state-of-the-art air-filtration system, hypoallergenic mattress and pillow encasements and a tea tree oil diffuser, all of which help maintain sanitized conditions. Finally, an invisible bacteriostatic barrier is installed to repel mold, viruses and bacteria for up to six months when the room will be tested and treated for recertification.

The result is a superior allergy-friendly environment that feels crisp, fresh and rejuvenating. It’s more comfortable for people with allergies and asthma and it’s also beneficial for anyone concerned about their overall health and wellbeing. Even people without allergies tell us that they sleep better and wake up feeling more refreshed after spending the night in a PURE Room.

PURE Rooms are currently available at nearly 300 hotels nationwide. You can search, browse and reserve PURE Rooms directly through our website.

Our goal at PURE is to help empower people with allergies to live without boundaries. Come join us and see what we’re all about!


Kevin Arnold is the writer at PURE Solutions, and has also become “the voice of PURE Solutions.”  Kevin shares his voice on PURE’s blog, where he shares the latest news in allergies, travel and healthy living.  

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